In these tough economic times, it's more important than ever to be careful with your money. That's why we're proud to offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all of our hosting packages. If you're not satisfied with your hosting package, simply cancel it within 30 days of signup for a full refund. No questions asked!
When you sign up for our service, you can do so with the peace of mind knowing that you can try us risk free. If for any reason you're not satisfied with our service within the first 30 days after signup, simply contact us and we'll cancel your account and refund your money. No questions asked.
This guarantee gives you the chance to try our service without any risk. You can see for yourself how easy and convenient it is to use. We're confident that you'll be happy with our service, but if for some reason you're not, then you can simply cancel your account and get your money back.
There are a few reasons why we don't offer a free hosting plan. First of all, hosting costs money. We would have to pay for the server space, the bandwidth, and the maintenance of the site. This would be a significant expense for us.
Another reason is that we want to provide our customers with the best possible service. If we offered a free hosting plan, we would not be able to offer the same level of customer support or features. We would also have to put up with a lot of abuse from people who would take advantage of the free service.
Lastly, we believe that our paid hosting plans are very reasonably priced. We offer a variety of plans to fit different budgets, and we offer discounts for longer term commitments. We think that our prices are fair and that most people who need hosting can afford our rates.
Existing accounts are subject to our standard terms and conditions. Does not include VPS Servers, Domain Name Registrations or SSL Certificates.